In Kellen’s Petty Talk Show, I interview anyone and everyone I give a shit about. Whether that’s actors from films I adore or bands that I scream in my car and everything in between. There are no limits to this podcast and it will always be constantly changing episode to episode. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Episode 77 - Jay Trovato (Bad Bloom)
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Jay Trovato is the guitarist of Rochester shoe gaze band, Bad Bloom. He is also the owner/operator of Arche Woodshop. Jay and his wife Kate started this band back in 2019 and during the COVID outbreak, they ultimately decided to move out of the big city to take their musical pursuits elsewhere. They've been consistently honing their sound, ripping gigs and preparing world domination.
Be sure to follow Jay on Instagram @jaypt and Bad Bloom @badbloomny ! Be on the lookout for three new singles hitting the ear waves soon as well as some more event dates.
#KellensPettyTalkShow #BadBloomNY

Monday Jul 03, 2023
Episode 76 - James Balsamo (Robot Dracula, Cool As Hell)
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
James Balsamo is an American filmmaker that has made over 100 films with his production company Acid Bath Productions. Known for his schlocky b-movie style humor and aesthetic, James has managed to make his project on the cheap while still raking in the greatest cameos to sweeten the scenes. Weird Al Yankovic, Tommy Chong, Oderus Urungus (GWAR), Andy Dick, Lloyd Kaufman, Tom Savini and so many other legendary people have appeared in James films at one point or another. He continues to make indie filmmaking a fun career path for himself and everyone he brings on board. The atmosphere on his sets is contagious and you'll get a sense of that just by viewing his work.
Be sure to follow James on Instagram @JamesBalsamo and check out his flicks @AcidBathProductions ! There will be a special screening at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood at the end of the Summer so be on the lookout for tickets/announcements!
Be sure to rate this episode with a 5-star rating and share it around with all of your friends!

Monday Jun 12, 2023
Episode 75 - Brandon Benson (We Are The Union)
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Brandon Benson is the bassist of We Are The Union, a ska-punk band from Ann Arbor, Michigan that formed in 2005. Their most recent record, "Ordinary Life" has been very well received and is quite possibly their best record to date. WATU has many plans for 2023 including a run up the east coast with Catbite and Kill Lincoln as well as performing at Punk in the Park with legendary bands Descendents, Pennywise, A Wilhelm Scream and The Suicide Machines.
Be sure to go follow Brandon on Instagram @brandonmbenson
To stay up to date on all the guest announcements, follow @kellenspettytalkshow

Monday May 29, 2023
Episode 74 - Devan Bentley (Public Opinion, Such Gold)
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
Devan Bentley is the drummer of Public Opinion and had previously drummed with Such Gold from 2009-2014 as well as some stints with Trash Talk. He recently finished tracking drums for Public Opinion's debut full-length record and is in the works of some other awesome projects.
He's a member of Indie Drummer Collective, which is a group of drummers that tackle many different styles of music under a changing theme. If you follow @indiedrummercollective , you'll be able to view many different videos of these guys strutting their stuff behind the kit! Devan recently covered "The Boy Who Destroyed the World" by AFI for a halloween theme.
Devan discusses his love for hiking, his journey and how he made it through his career unscathed. If you enjoyed this episode - shoot Devan a follow @devanbentley to stay up to date on everything he has going on.

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Episode 73 - Joey Chiaramonte (KOYO, Typecaste)
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Joey Chiaramonte is the vocalist of Long Island hardcore band KOYO and the bassist of Typecaste. During COVID, KOYO blew up unexpectedly and they've been touring pretty much non stop since the release of their "Drives Out East" EP. The band has recently signed to Pure Noise Records and plan to release their debut full length record in September, which will feature 11 brand new tracks that are sure to be heavy hitters. Catch KOYO on tour with No Pressure, Fleshwater and Illusion this month and next!

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Episode 72 - Jon Fraser (Northbound)
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Jon Fraser the vocalist of Northbound, a Florida rock band that combines elements of pop punk, emo and and other genres that muster up the catchiest of songs. His recent move to LA has thrown him into a whirlwind that he claims to be enjoying. While working on the final edits for a new record, Jon has been on a creative path to make up for lost time the last couple years. He's considering doing comedy and is actively working on bits, he's developing a podcast of his own and is working on playing shows again!
If you love what you hear, go check out @northboundfl and follow Jon at @jonfraser666 to stay up to date on all the happenings.
Follow @kellenspettytalkshow to stay up to date on all the new guest announcements - more new guests are on deck and coming up very shortly!

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Episode 71 - Jon Simmons (Creeks, Balance and Composure)
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Jon Simmons is a musician from Pennsylvania whose newest project @itscreeks mixes gloom with groove to the fullest extent. He was formerly the frontman of @balanceandcomposure , a staple of the Pennsylvania music scene and a goated indie/rock and emo band in the hearts of many.
Jon moved to Los Angeles about 5 years back to follow career pursuits as a solo venture and has continued to still grind to this day. He discusses his trepidations and anxiety he faced within the early days of studio recording, how Vinnie Caruana of the Movielife made a major impact on the band and a frightening van accident that they miraculously survived.
As always, rate the show on Spotify and Apple Music and slap it with that five star rating. Severe thanks to Jon for being such a rad dude and taking the time to hang with me! This was another bucket list episode for me and it really means a lot to get to talk with my favorite bands.
Go rip the Creeks EP “The Pain You Took On” and be on the lookout for more music from Jon coming soon!

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Episode 70 - Matt Wilson (Set Your Goals, Near Dark)
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Matt Wilson is one of the vocalists and co-founders of Set Your Goals, a band from Northern California that successful blended the pop punk and hardcore genres and built an impressive following with their relentless touring cycles, energetic live performances and catchy lyrics.
We talk about hilarious tour stories with bands like Fireworks and Saves The Day, the various recording processes with each record and the infamous Raspberry Cool incident. You'll also hear about what Matt's up to nowadays, his new band Near Dark and his recent profound love for mushrooms. How about the time Matt met Robin Williams on the set of Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)? It's all here. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did.
Be sure to follow Matt on Instagram @mattwilsonrules and check out his bands @setyourgoalsband and @neardarkny
Give the show a 5 star rating to ensure it doesn't slip off into the ass crack of oblivion. Share it around with your family and friends and don't give a reason. Put yo hood up!

Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Episode 69 - Nick Diener (The Swellers)
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Nick Diener is mostly remembered as the frontman of the Michigan-based pop punk band The Swellers. Nowadays, he runs a company called Oneder Effects that builds specialized and custom guitar pedals for musicians everywhere. Over 9 years of being on the road and hundreds of shows later, Nick is still fully captivated within the music scene, immersing himself into his newest business venture.
We talk about the longevity of the band, producing records for Hot Mulligan and raising his family in Michigan. We also touch upon his 20 years of maintaining a vegan diet, how a friend of his would microwave his fecal matter and how he adjusted to life again after sleeping on floors for a decade.
If you're interested in checking out his effects pedals, look no further then @onedereffects and onedereffects.com !
Go rip The Swellers.
Be sure to rate the show with a 5-star rating to keep it from slipping into the ass crack of oblivion.

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Episode 68 - Joe Boynton (Transit, narrowcast.)
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Joe Boynton is most notably remembered as the vocalist of the Massachusetts rock band, Transit. Nowadays, he's got a brand new music project called narrowcast. that blends many different genres including shoe gaze, emo, electronic and indie, but the varying elements don't stop there. It's a very unique sound that can only be heard to believe. Aside from continuing his musical pursuits, Joe has recently become a father, a husband and a home owner.
We talk about our love for movies, his painstaking history with music and even the one time he got threatened with a grenade! If you think that's wild, wait until you hear some of the other stuff. Joe is a spectacular guy and he brings so much to the conversation, which explains the lengthy runtime of the episodes we do together: we just have an absolute riot. He's the first guest to return for a second episode and I couldn't be more honored to have him back on.
Be sure to follow Joe @job.boynton and check out @narrowcast.band and @transitma
Follow @kellenspettytalkshow to stay up to date on all the new guest announcements!
#KellensPettyTalkShow !